Hiking visuals


Okay, KW, here ya go: a picture series from yesterday’s hike.

BTW, the image above is looking through the not-falls—the drought and general autumnal conditions mean there wasn’t enough water to make even a trickle over the outcrop….


  1. kayak woman says:

    Thanks!!! Love it!

  2. Mary Jo & Robert says:

    Hi Sammy, A great way to hike along with you, and what a beautiful looking day! Right now it’s spitting snow here at 32 degrees. We’re going to the brew pub to watch the election results to either celebrate or cry in our beer!

  3. Sammy says:

    I’m crossing my fingers for celebration. We are contemplating ordering a pizza, but I may not make it very late. I’ve still been waking up on old-time, which means pretty darned early! You’ve got the time zones working in your favor!