Rain today, but not so much when I was out earlier compared to what we’re getting now—and it’s supposed to escalate overnight. There’s a line of rainfall over in ‘bama that might deliver 1/2 inch all by itself when it gets here.
So, when I was out for my walk I came up with at least three semi-clever blog entries, but, can I remember them now?
I’ll just observe that I need to practice with the self-portrait-mode on the camera…. And that friends to the north and northwest (and far northwest, too?; haven’t checked the weather way out there…) are getting less clement weather than we are….
UPDATE: Now I remember (one idea, anyway). “Nice weather for ducks,” my dad would have summarized today if he had been walking with me in the park instead of watching snowflakes swirl in southern MI. Well, I did see ducks, but I found it quite interesting that they were standing next to the lake, avoiding being in the water (most of them anyway).
8 December 2009 at 9:56 pm
kayak woman says:
I LOVE that photo! And, yes, we’re getting snow here. Despite that, I am remembering the time I picked you up at Metro on a dry and sunny December 19th and we drove over your way and walked your woods and ponds, et al. Gorgeous day that I’ll never ever forget.
9 December 2009 at 12:37 pm
Robert & Mary Jo says:
Then there’s that day in Atlanta, in early December many years ago when snow flurries were blowing around! Oh yeah, that was your wedding day!