

Get it?

Anyway, another overcast afternoon, with pretty high water levels in Lake Clara Meer (it’s now hard to believe we had that drought), but nice for a walk even so.

This was the view as we strolled the SE corner of the park, having entered via an off-path route, since the Park Tavern* gate was closed—lots of private events, based on the notices up by the parking lot.

* RHB played golf here when the Tavern building was a club house, when he was in Georgia courtesy of Uncle Sam. Much of the area where we walk was fairways or on the edge of where they were. You still can see the flattop bumps where some of the greens and tees were.


  1. jcb says:

    I’m looking at a somewhat more dramatic skyline at the moment. Hello from the Fifth Avenue Apple Store, where the Archaeofacts site looks really nice on one of those fancy 27″ screens.

  2. Sammy says:

    Awww! Is the site drippy? It’s rainy here in ATL.