Identification: self, TD, iPhoto


So, the Pres self-identifies as “Black, African Am., or Negro” on his census form….

I have to say, the 2010 form shows some awareness of the complexity of the race/ethnicity issue by the choices it offers. However, it manages to avoid the fact that “race” is not a fixed thing, but socially identified—and that the individual and the people around him/her may categorize a person differently. I think for now “race” substitutes for “give us some indication of your socio-economic status”—They’ll combine it with your address for an indication of your position in society….

What I find really interesting is that there has been no comparable discussion about the “name” block. That shows little awareness of the cross-cultural complexity of “name.” Even in mainstream USA, people may have more names that fit the set of blanks the census presents.

Yes, TD is here (arrived about 3 pm—pretty darned late). TD is way cool. Look to others for effusion, however…. (Not that I’m not feeling it, just that I’m not going to effuse on it. Today, anyway.)

Side note: iPhoto finally finished its face recognition activity. I discovered that whatever it did, it did NOT tag them by name. Hrrrumph. And it confused JCB and his dad a couple of times….

One comment

  1. kayak woman says:

    Bet jcb was chompin’ at the bit waiting for that delivery. No TD here, of course. Not yet, anyway.