

Here at the cottage, unlike at the city house, we have a garage; however, it is not electrified. So, we charge the plug-in hybrid from the cottage, like this, then relocate the car to the garage when juiced.

The orange light on the ferns is from the porch (this was just a few minutes ago), and you can see that rain+unpaved_road means the car is again muddy. We are so glad to be here, even so.


I (software) updated two devices this evening while listening to the excellent news about the Americans (and people of other nationalities, totaling 16) who are no longer being imprisoned by Putin.

Infrastructure updating

Pole replacement

I walked this morning in the coolness, nose-level or nose-down as is typical for me. Below this I noticed a one-foot chunk of wooden pole, triggering a look-up.

Yup, replacement underway. The upper lines and a transformer (?) have been switched to the new, taller pole, but the old one, albeit shortened, still seems to be carrying the lower lines.

You can tell it’s relatively early in the day, as the light is bright only on the tree-tops. [Proud of myself; photo was taken at 6:48am.]

Canna lily art

I do very much enjoy this photo setting when it works (portrait, stage light).

First day of summer vegetation progress report from central north Georgia mountains: mimosa trees in full flower and scattered moderate sized pink blooms in the ditches that I couldn’t recognize at highway speeds.

Confusion BC

Sky early

Before coffee, I got confused about…well, I thought it was the longest day of the year, so I stepped out before sunrise to look up. Of course, the phone compensated for the darkness and made it darned light. And I got the solstice wrong; it’s tomorrow.

BC here is Before Coffee


My favorite cheese-grating device…failed. [Flexes biceps]…I don’t know my own strength. 🤣

Coneflower and menus

We are three meals in on our air fryer experiments…two of salmon filets, and one of tofu. We are (I am) trying to incorporate more fish/other meals in our diet, instead of terrestrial critter protein (including dairy).

One advantage of the air fryer, and I don’t understand how this happens, but there’s no fishy odor. Amazing.

No food photos; too messy. Very tasty, however.


Today, I found several interesting human-made verticals. Here’s a communications tower on a mountain.

I almost didn’t include this fire-plug; however, I couldn’t overlook the fresh red paint.

And, finally, look at the looming multiple skyscrapers of the Atlanta skyline.

Barrier method

I have needed to get these struggling rhubarb plants transplanted for years. I’m hoping to do it this fall. In the meantime, they need protection from the grass and other plants that suck away the moisture, provide too much shade, etc. So, the cardboard is my quickie barrier method weed control, in the style of NASmith, aka The Botanist.

Green greenery

Today is day three of my lake baths. It is so pleasant to wash my hair in the soft water of the lake, although the water temps remain chilly*. The grass keeps growing and growing, so I mowed a “tunnel” to the steps down the bluff to the beach.

We have a mulching mower, so it doesn’t spit the cut grass out a side-flap. Instead it counts on gravity for the bits to fall beneath the machine; however, with grass above knee-high, like this, it creates what I call grass boluses that are very capable of jamming the blade and stopping the motor. Over and over. I persisted, and now there’s a two-mower-swath-wide path.

On my way to take the above photo, I realized the late-day light coming through this clump of lupin made it a-glow (if I bent down to get a low angle).

* Speaking of chilly, tonight’s low is supposed to be in the upper 30s. It’s already in the mid-50s, so I believe it!

Also, sing title to “Chim Chim Cher-ee,” the Chim-chimney phrase….