Carrying her loaded market bags, this local lady is headed…I dunno, to visit her sister? She’s crossing the bridge from the medieval section of Entrevaux to newer occupations across this defensible walkway. Note that right before the towers is a drawbridge (squint), of strong oak planks. I don’t know how often it is raised these days….
In these parts, a lacet is a shoelace. In this context, lacet means hairpin turns. I traveled (with the Guru driving) along more lacets today than any other day in my life. Please note that although we saw the highest road in Europe, we didn’t embark upon it (let alone traverse it). The roads we did traverse were plenty high and serpentine. Grazed the treeline, saw evidence of storms that came through about two days ago, but no trees across our path (whew!).
Thanks, readers! I’m heartened that you request MORE photos. The last B&B we stayed at had…limited internet service, so what I did post was a stretch. Today, well, I’m just plain tired. The upshot is, teeeheee, I get to show you more photos when I see you next!
27 September 2012 at 5:02 pm
Robert & Mary Jo says:
Thinking of you on your travels, so glad you are having a wonderful experience.
27 September 2012 at 6:59 pm
Leslie says:
Is it just me, or does the lacet sign point in a direction opposite that of the actual lacet? That could be very dangerous for a hungry Frenchman late for his lunch! 😉
27 September 2012 at 9:28 pm
Maureen Meyers says:
That’s quite a lacet, no matter which way it turns. Loving the photos, esp. the old woman. Oh, and Viki defended quals today, so cheers should be heard round the world.