A tale of two buildings

Ceiling walls

Down in the museum zone, we did the big one, aka the Field Museum, first. Love the building.

Flowers not chives I think

At some point, we adjourned toward another museum, walking by these gorgeous not-quite-chives(?), which flanked an artificial waterfall feature with a big fake hoppy-amphibian at the top, perched on a sign that read amphibian. [Very Froooogy.]

Lobby prism

In Museum number two, we found these just inside the door, which we were told is nicknamed rainbow lobby, confusing morning visitors who do not have the benefit/cue of the product of the afternoon sun.

Another big lake

All this is by a big lake, but not the Big Lake. Birds and sailboats and yachts all came by us as we sat in the shade recharging from hours on our feet in galleries. Also, we learned by watching that this is where bridal couples come for photos with the Chicago skyline as a backdrop. A bit windy, but perfect light.

One bride we walked by had a gorgeous bride-dress and veil, and we saw peeking below the hem new, bright-white Converse footwear.

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