Doors and gateways

Gallery door

Gallery doorway. Sign is at opposite end of building; building faces Old Santa Fé Trail, with a narrow sidewalk between the curb and property wall.

NM capitol main door

Main, front entrance to the NM capitol. Strange choice to have single row of trees that visually block the doors; usually there are two rows flanking the view.

Historic library

Arched doorway of the NM history library, built, as you can read, as a public library—which is now across the street.

Marcy walkway

Arch over base of walkway up Marcy Hill.

StFrancis cathedral behind

Fence-gate near the rear of St Francis Cathedral.

Was a doorway

Filled in doorway in wall next to Santa Fé River. The paint I think is to obscure graffiti.

Rarely used doorway

Rarely used gateway.

Utility door

Utility gateway.

Gatepost head topper

Eroding spooky cranium topping a gatepost. [I thought this might be a head-newel, but newels are only by staircases, if I have it right.]

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