I do enjoy these dewy mornings. Conditions weren’t quite right to foster a fog layer in the field…. Love the long shadows.
Of course, it meant that I got darned damp even with knee-high boots during my Eradication and Weight-Loss Spading Fun. It was clear yesterday, although I didn’t acknowledge it, and unavoidable today, that I will not finish removing the infestation. I did a good hour-and-a-half yesterday and today…hard push…just too many invaders. Ah, well, that’s often the way of invasive species removal programs; if I went for burdock and milkweed, too, I’d be…well, let’s just not go there.
Found this busy, noisy bee doing bee-business. On a pink-shaded lupine. Mid-afternoon.
I assume the feather is for luck, good winds, continued health, all that fine sentiment. And for safe travels. Our numbers here at the end of the road have dropped a notch again (safe travels!). Uptick expected Saturday—yay!