Sunshine cleanse (ish)

I began my afternoon perambulation here, as it is close to our hotel.

That’s a Rail Runner Express on the right, with the active track to the right of it. The parked train must be a backup? I don’t know what the deal is with the blue-purple train, decorated in a pseudo-graffiti style from nose to tail.

Gate drive

Feeling like I had “done” the depot area—now a Saturday Farmers’ Market—I proceeded into a residential area…

Loreto chapel

…and then looped to the central plaza area. This is the Loretto Chapel (privately owned)…

…and this is the active Catholic cathedral basilica.

Looking at the churches, followed by this “Settlers Monument” (2003), by sculptor Donna Quasthoff (1924–2021), I could not help but think about the arrival and “good works” of the Catholic priests and Euro-American settlers, who upended the lives and health and cultures of the people who lived in this area. Notice how the incomers are atop their beasts of burden and invasive species. Kinda creepy and definitely an ethical downer. I’m glad it was sunny and that we had leftover red-chili ribs for dinner to cheer me up.

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