Circumnavigation, etc.

This is maybe the third time we’ve seen a stand of these silver-barked trees. Dunno what they are…mystery arboles.

I’ve confirmed that this is Moncayo.

Wind turbine alignments. I’m trying to get my photographic fascination with them out of my system. Round hay bales can grab your eye this way, too.

We’ve seen plenty of large and small irrigation ditches, but rarely the valves. Here’s a split, where the flow is being directed two ways.

One of our goals today was to get a look at a large eroded area, or badlands, that is a park called Bardenas Reales.

We did find one place with a road we could safely try to get into (or towards) the heart of this sculpted landscape. You can see we didn’t get far, as farmed fields remain.

We partly circled Moncayo yesterday, and completed the loop today.

One more eroded landform.

I finally got a shot of the Ebro when we crossed it. I think this is normal spring elevated levels.

We cut through a “corner” of the lower slopes of the Moncayo massif, and found what must be a relatively warmer area, as many orchards flaunted blooming trees. My guess was peaches or apples, but I couldn’t parse the tree shapes and figure out the species.

We went through/by many little towns. Amazingly, most had parked cars and evidence of active residents. I cannot figure out the economic support for these scattered villages.

Later in the day, I became fascinated with the variations in soil color…this is rather brick red, and the trees are not yet blooming (February, remember…snow on elevations, remember?).

Castle ruins above larger small town…note the white lenses in the far distance behind the jagged walls…Moncayo massif, again.

I counted one man and one dog with this substantial sheep herd. As we continued up the road, it was evident that they’d come down it for at least a mile. Transhumance underway? Earlier in the day, we saw a smaller herd, controlled by a man with a loaded mule and four dogs. Spring is springing for shepherds.

This is the second fox we’ve spotted. Neither was much concerned with our presence.

I just encountered a description of wheeling clouds of birds as resembling the billowing robes of a genie. As shown….

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