Winsome decor


I’ve never seen anything quite like this garden critter—loved especially the beak detail/accuracy.

I’ve long valued winsomeness in garden decor, but never achieved it. The closest we currently have is the grotesque (gargoyle to some, inaccurately) that lives in shady (not very visible) places in the back yard. The next closest is the bench under the tree in the front yard, I guess. See, short list. And not at all inspired.

Mom gave the Guru the grotesque, because she, like many people, hadn’t a clue what to give him one year for his birthday. He really really doesn’t like it, hence its near-hidden residence(s).


  1. mouse's moom says:

    I like that birdie. I don’t think it should be hidden away. 😉

    We have a metal birdie that I bought for the GG years ago. I’ll try to remember to post a pic sometime soon. It spent its first few nights next to Mouse’s bed covered by a towel for a blanket.

  2. Sammy says:

    No, this colorful fellah was right next to the sidewalk!

  3. mouse's moom says:

    ooops. didn’t read carefully!

  4. mouse's moom says:

    Anyway, you may have trouble getting the winsomeness into the garden. *I* have trouble getting the *garden* into the garden!

  5. Sammy says:

    Well, I didn’t want to come out and say it, but that may be my problem, too!