The spice rack in the cabin still harbors ancient containers. Some are less than about 30 years old or so (within my memory), and a few are older.
For some reason, this is the only food coloring that survives—maybe because (for historical reasons) we call this place the Green Cottage?
I am so not a baker these days, but I remember that Mom made lots of cakes and cookies (sweets are cheap calories?). She liked Jiffy mixes (Chelsea’s best!), but more often cooked from scratch.
I remember making cupcakes more than once, but I don’t remember making pies, or eating them, when we were up north—maybe because cakes and cookies are easier to make in hot, humid weather?
BTW, my quick Google of Smith’s Flavoring Extract Company, of Grand Rapids, didn’t turn up anything. I’m still trying to decide when this label was probably last used…. My guess is the bottle was probably purchased at Rahilly’s grocery, now an IGA….
12 July 2008 at 11:08 pm
jcburns says:
what a great image…I particularly like the measurement on the bottle..,DRAMS!