Clever how I snapped right when that leaf was falling (just left of center)….
Foggy-morning on our street became spitty rain all day. This was good. Remember, we’re still in a drought around here.
To celebrate the elevated humidity, I began the interior painting that the work the contractor did highlighted needing to be done—in this case the baseboard/trim on the stairs (lots of kneeling and awkward sprawling).
Looks MUCH better!*
* Not surprisingly, with these conditions the house is kinda stinky, even though the paint’s supposed to be “low odor”….
14 November 2008 at 9:49 pm
kayak woman says:
haha. When I first saw this, I thought, “mosquito on the lens!” Although it’s not really all that mosquito-like.
15 November 2008 at 5:23 am
Sammy says:
Perhaps it’s a famous Southern Oak-Leaf Mosquito?