Note horse shoes…of course, with ends up (to preserve our luck)…these are winter shoes, with extra protuberances and cleats.
Here are the slabs we kept from the giant white pine that had to be…downed. I am glad we have them; I had despaired that we would find someone to cut it up. (Sooooo glad the tide turned on that problem! Thanks, DM!) The wood needs to dry for another year or so. The pieces are now stickered so that the air flow will help them dry, but also we hope allow them not to split (much). Not sure what exactly we’ll do with these fine slabs, but there’s talk of (substantial!) tables, including for the “new” fire-pit activity area.
We moved the slabs with our trusty contractor’s wheelbarrow (balance is sooooooo important), using puff-puff human power. Part of the route wasn’t mowed as wide as the long slabs, and we gently knocked over these sweet peas to make room, which is why they’re sideways. They lost stature, but we managed to avoid crushing them….