Survey (misc)

Let’s see. Where to start.

Wave cresting

I went down to the beach and thought about how this camera is good at shooting fast, and crouched down and caught a few moments when the waves were coming toward the beach, to crash on the sand.

Now, there wasn’t that much wind behind the wave action, but it sure made for fun shooting.

Mind you, that isn’t the curvature of the earth (I’m pretty sure) recorded in the horizon, but the curvature the lens created….

Wild rose may not be

I cleared out around the “wild” rose and it’s liberated (for the time being) from the grass…. I also found one (!!) foxglove in bloom (not enough light), and I think one neighboring foxglove plant, just leaves, no flower shoot.

Like the nearby rhubarb plants, they need more light.

Grasshopper posing

Next garden chore…plant-liberation movement….

I also found this…well, in my insect-ignorance, I’d call it “a grasshopper.” Interesting color patterns on his/her “side.”

Parked on a mint plant.

Only it’s not my favorite mint for eating, but botanically it IS a mint….

Which means it has square stems….

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