
Out of the blue

WF gift to bday guy

Shopping at WF for The Guru’s special dinner today, the seafood guy GAVE me the shrimp—what a kind gift! More sacred food!

Best of safe deposit box

Old farm photo from ML

Photo not from SDB, but from ML.

On Sagitaw Farm stationery…

July 27 1963

In 1889 Grover Cleveland gave to Riley H. Fuller, SR. 171 and 8/10s acres of land in Luce County which he, his heirs and assigns were to hold forever. Lincoln’s 1862 homestead law limited the area which could be homesteaded to 160 acres but he was permitted to take title to some fractional lake lots. His homestead [certificate] now in the possession of Cassius C. Minier, was number 989 issued by the Land Office at Marquette and was one of the three earliest ones issued in Lakefield Township. The other two were issued to Robert Bryers on the west side of Round Lake and to Darbey (?) Tait for the land now occupied by Stone’s bar. The Tait certificate has been destroyed. The Bryers certificate is owned by his granddaughter, Erma Richards.

In 1841 when section 36, T45N, R12W, was originally surveyed by the U.S. there was evidence of an “Old Indian Sugar Bush” on what is now Sagitaw Farm.

The date and Paragraph 1 are typed. Paragraph 2 is handwritten by Francis F. McKinney in blue ink.

I wonder how long the “forever” of the first sentence lasted….

History bit: Probate

Bem sigs 1965

Last week when we took Dad’s will to the probate office, the kind, helpful woman did many things I never figured out. This one I did get enough info to understand.

At one point, she dug through a file drawer with small rectangles, not quite 3×5 cards, that was right across the aisle from the counter we stood at, and therefore in easy view. However, they were sideways to us and too far away to read. Soon thereafter, she brought an old (superseded) will of Dad’s, and the witness signatures…were old home week. What a surprise!

Rainbow message?

Rainbow in early april soMI

Morning of April third. See how the rainbow is aligned with the garden?

This is the first sunshine I saw after The Botanist died. A part of me wonders if this is a communication from the gardener at the Great Garden Elsewhere….

Re-entering GA

Other bridge McCaysville

We crossed into GA over the steel bridge in McCaysville, which we’d never traversed before. Even with a quick stop at TJs, we were home with the car unloaded before noon. Yippee!

Baby time

Baby dandling CU

Nothing like dandling a (happy, happy!) baby on your knee to remind you of the other section of the circle of life.

Capital idea

Downtown power center Lansing

Today’s chore list took us downtown. What a pointy capitol building!

Plz forgive if I got the capital/capitol spelling(s) incorrect. Hurts my head to sort those two out!

Not quite two months ago

Smith trio jan 2012

Smith trio, in January 2012.

It is unusual that we take no photos in a day, so let us revisit January.

Yin and yang, with Guinness

Pint o Guinness refreshment

We laughed and visited with our favorite engineer who works for the General this evening, up in EL.

I found it the perfect antidote to a day of research, record creation, organization, and…decision-making.

The other week, my brother reminded me that decision-making takes a LOT of energy.

Yeah, I am living that….

So, the downtime is…precious.

More food: Kewpee

Kewpee sign entry

…starting to process paperwork and take care of business. Today, that meant a trip downtown. I remember visiting the downtown business district only rarely. Today we lunched in a place I’d never have been in my youth, the legendary Kewpee Hamburg (sometimes Hamburgers, sometimes Kewpee’s). Mmmm…onion rings.