
These evergreen magnolias become big trees. And the flowers can be far overhead. This one was. And a big bee was buzzing about in it. Perfect, I thought, and fumbled the phone, which didn’t recognize me with the mask on…fumble more, and bee buzzed away. But, here’s the flower. Alone again. Naturally.

Bonus second shot…. No bees here either. But many flower friends. Of two species.
Posted at 9:01 PM |
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Flower-shadow art.

Lit-fern art.

Sidewalk art.
Posted at 9:17 PM |
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Near perfect. Those colors!
I encountered recommendations for “Money Heist” (true title “La casa de papel”) several disparate places, and asked the Guru if he’d be interested in giving it a try. We embarked, and have watched two episodes. It has a Euro feel, which makes sense because it’s a Spain Spanish production. The subtitles are teensy, which is both less distracting from the picture and difficult to read. I’m warming to the fast-speaking cast and their Spain-accented Spanish—been YEARS since I heard that….
So, oddly?, we’re bouncing between “Money Heist” and running through old “Billions” to get caught up or refreshed before dipping into the new season. Both have to do with cash and power, but in quite different ways. I’ll be staying tuned.
Posted at 9:21 PM |
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Walking Partner and I had to cross the street (actual traffic!) to get shots of this huge cactus with many blooms and buds. Beautiful yellow-orange color.

New York markets are up; I’m wondering how much money is flowing in from foreign buyers…US market as a haven?
Posted at 6:30 PM |
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Playing with portrait mode again, this time without the spotlight. I really like the yellow-green borders of new growth, although I usually dislike that color.

Found a vegetable garden in someone’s front yard, if you can call two squash plants (already blooming!), one pepper plant (with half-grown pepper), and two tomato plants a garden. It’ll soon keep a few elves in veg for a long weekend, and they won’t get tromped during Geezer Hour™ at the local groc store.
Posted at 7:48 PM |
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I’ve been looking for one of these this spring. I call them flower balls (in my mind). I suppose they are an ornamental allium?

NOT a murder hornet enshrined.
Posted at 5:47 PM |
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I’m pretty darned sure that on this day in 1862, there were no musical cacti in the Puebla area. Not a one.

Our mayor gets it; our household follows the mayor. And not the creepy, misguided governor. As does Fontaine’s. [Yummy fried oyster baskets there, BTW…when they are open.]
Posted at 9:00 PM |
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Growing up a few miles from Oldsmobile central, and several counties away from Ford central (and others), car talk, uncapitalized, was almost as frequent a topic as the weather. I remember hearing four-door and two-door much more commonly than their equivalents, sedan and coupe. The latter sound waaaay too “uptown” and worldly for my neighborhood.
This lot used to be full of shade-making vegetation. I miss it. If the doors are from the house or the pool-house, why are they on the sidewalk?
Posted at 9:06 PM |
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Backing up bee. You can’t tell, but I was there and the insect was in, then out, and this photo is from the exit.

No bees here. Don’t recognize this color pattern, but the flower shape and grouping do look familiar. Will ponder further.

This one has marigold “written” all over it. Even though the center is greenish, and the rest is yellow, not gold. This yellow is the always-color for the marigolds of my childhood.
Posted at 8:49 PM |
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This is the same magnolia flower as in yesterday’s post. Just 24 hours later. Not kidding.

I’m guessing this Georgia Peach™ won’t get ripe…catch the next Farm Report on this tree, mmm, perhaps next week?
Posted at 7:02 PM |
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