
Winter is arriving

Varigated camellia

My apologies—this photo is from the other day…when it was sunny. Today was overcast and windy. The temps started dropping mid-morning, and that is never pleasant this time of the year. The meteorologists say there may be snow overnight in the mountains. Here: nope. Cold cold cold, however, as in below freezing overnight, and tomorrow night, too. I turned up the heat a degree as the house has only mediocre insulation.

All in a day

Stump road

Nice leetle joke of the tree-cutting crew to carefully place the stump right-side-up in the street. I didn’t quite do a double-take, but I did study it for a half-beat…. No, no stump/tree in the pavement. Just on.


I cannot anthropomorphize this into a conscious decision to bud as November comes to a close (in the northern hemisphere). It’s just an off-season accomplishment. Nothing more; nothing less. Avert your eyes; keep moving.

Chin up

Lantana bright pink

In the process of confirming that this is indeed lantana, I discovered that the parent of this cultivar (likely a cultivar, anyway), is probably native to the New World, albeit south of here. In some places across the globe lantana is a noxious invasive species. Here, it’s just a garden lovely. Is that okay?

Sooooo fine

Red red leaves

Did our wee family harvest celebration here today with our pod of very-careful six, ate take-out and my desserts, then sat in the living room afterwards and talked and laughed and laughed and talked.

Fall fern fun

Fern backlit

I was so happy to see parties outdoors, masked, and distanced. We were so distant it was just the two of us. Turkey, cranberries, gravy, salad, pecan pie (from bakery). Made us happy and thankful for a good harvest.


As the complex system change-over to the incoming presidential administration speeds up, I was thinking about infrastructure. Here’s some that isn’t changing in January, I’m pretty sure!

Lucky 🍀 me

Dusk sky

Every once in a while the cosmos and my activities correspond and I glimpse a colorful, well-lit moment of transcendent beauty like this. Sigh.


Side view

Words? What words go with this photo? With this day?

Do not hold your breath, please….


Hands on

We don’t much go in for parlor games around here, and the black-face penalty shown on “The Crown” has definitely not been in circulation here. FYI.

Focus relocation

Backlit dogwood leaves

I try to empty my brain and just be in the moment (easier said/typed than done) when I’m out for a neighborhood walk. It’s rejuvenating.

Then some brilliant red leaf-light or similar penetrates my perception brain and I surface to take in something other than my personal ohhhhmmmmmm…and today, in that surfacing, I found two dazzling, back-lit leaves.