
So glad it’s Friday

I tried to do some computational photography magic (messiness?) with this and…Could…Not. Still don’t know why, other than the broad category of operator error.

How could I mess up these beauties, however?

Why should I be glad it’s Friday? After all, I just bumble in Covid-avoidance through each day, pretty much the same as yesterday and tomorrow. Still, Friday has magical connotations, and even did when I had to work weekends.

Fake forevers

The cylinder wrap reads “Forever lawn,” that is: plastic, more plastic, green plastic that you’ll never have to mow and will shed water and emit who-knows-what as the sun beats down on it. In other words: not green green.

Natural big bumbling bee. With pollen.

Dramatic flowers, kinda like straw flowers, but larger and not straw flowers.

I’ve been watching this abandoned old building for months; it used to have artist studio spaces. Then it was empty. And empty. Until today, when it got crunched. I expect the condo for-sale sign will reappear.

Big and ligneous vs delicate and supple

For months, I’ve been loving the pattern of these mossy roots…now festooned with oak-detritus.

These bluebells are from a different block.

Topped house

I gotta get this post up because my Guru is recommending we watch “Debris.” I heard this long after I picked this photo for your viewing pleasure today.

In one day, these petals went from droopy to horizontal. Don’t know what this is called, but it’s a healthy volunteering species.


As it happened, I walked after dinner, and saw the late sun…

…and the later sun.

Anthropological note

It occurred to me today that many of those “what would Jesus do?” people are dining today with ham as the centerpiece of the menu.

Not what the good Jew Jesus would ever eat, as I understand it. Ham with a side of mac-n-cheese—what Jesus would not do.

Now and ahead

Enjoying the last cool days I expect we’ll have until next autumn…sooooo nice, sooooo un-sweaty.

One of my favorites…I think of this as a wild azalea, although I’m not sure this isn’t a cultivar. Still, it has the delicate, almost lacey quality that I find captivating. None in my garden, however; perhaps it’s time to change this?


I’m told it was power guys who said it was okay for the Guru to turn on the electric again yesterday. I was a bit garbled. The two houses behind the truck both did not have power last night, hence workers returned to string more wire. Or whatever it took.

Photo from this morning. However, they’re busy aloft again right now. Difficult fix?

Here’s a smoketree (Cotinus spp.) with the smoky part just emerging. I’ve never noted this stage before. I saw the shadow of the flower-spike, (on leaf, right), and then looked inside the leaf-nest.

Call 911

Just after 10am we heard a crash, on this windy but otherwise beautiful day. Not the kind of sound you like to hear when you’re browsing the internet from the safety of your home. I could hear that it wasn’t the giant oak next door, but the noise came from out front. Yup, a tree went down.

It missed the pickup and definitely didn’t reach the house. Yay!

But, it did swish a power line affecting us, and brought down the feeder line for a neighbor. We had a couple of surges, and then the Guru shut off the power to the house at the breaker box. There was a teeny hot electrical smell, and that’s never a good thing, but we couldn’t quite localize it. Not the TV. Not the upstairs furnace.

After no-show by the power company, the Guru called the non-emergency number for the fire department…and was told it was a 911 situation, yes sir. So, he called 911. And soon a fire truck showed up. Not from the station around the corner, but one from a bit farther away. Why? Because they have the high crane/ladder (not needed, but, hey, am I a fire-person? do I know these things? nope).

Firemen are good guys and gals (just guys on our street, today). After plenty of phone time and standing around, they donned safety gear and fired up a chain saw and cleared the street. And took down most of the yellow plastic warning tape.

They also told the Guru that he could turn the breakers back on. Several had switched. It turned out that two surge protectors had done their final work, saving the TV and my desktop machine (and producing smells). There’s at least one more breaker that isn’t happy (bathroom fan upstairs), and the Guru relit the downstairs furnace, but it won’t turn on. It’s cool and will be cold tomorrow morning, but then it’ll warm up!

Later, I saw a contractor truck working on the overhead lines, not one with a Georgia Power logo on the side, so I assume our neighbor has power again.

And how was your day?