
In the moment

I’ve shown blooms from this rhodo on several previous years. Same genus as azaleas…the resemblance is strong.

Construction in the neighborhood…stop stop.

Living (hothouse) color

This morning before the sun came up, the moon had a faint rosy tinge.


I forgot to mention yesterday that the night before I dreamed that I was visiting with a crew excavating an archaeological site, and we were sitting around the crew house and Jay-Z was discoursing knowledgeably about the site.

A late Easter poinsetta?

Peony progression

The peony-blooming process strikes me as accelerated this year. I also don’t remember the petals loosing so much color, but that may simply be my inattention to (retaining) detail.

Spring slump?

Usually my activities are light on Sunday. Today I lazed, and did very little.

Natural history

We did a loop drive with a lunch/afternoon destination in Athens (where we found this charming lavender in bloom). On the way over, it seemed like in every other opening to the sky we saw a vulture circling. Surprisingly, on the return leg, I only spotted one…were the others resting after a lovely lunch (as in, they had consumed all the carrion)?

Marking (peony) time

These peonies won’t last long, so bear with me. Post-rain peony this morning.

Fresh sights

I went out early in the moist sunshine to see the morning humidity. I found it in the air…

…and on the vegetation.

Late morning, we went to the Swedish store of exports from Ukraine and Poland…and got the…point.

Back home, a peony was new-opened.


I usually keep an eye on the weather predictions for the immediate future where I am, yet somehow I managed to momentarily be surprised that a storm/rain front would be coming through “roit-now.” Which it is.

Light and gravity

This is white false indigo, and, yes, I was playing with photo-“phunctions” on my phone.

Here’s an azalea bush, with fading fleurs…and most of the petals fallen. Note the flourishing leaves.