Mogollón NM
Sunday, 29 October 2006
Today’s headline activity: a visit to Mogollón Ghost Town. By UP standards, however, it wasn’t really a ghost town—eight or nine people live there year-round, and several businesses persist, although maybe not year-round.
As Mogollon, it was a booming mining town for several decades, longer than Seney, I think. We found the drive in (from the west) jaw-dropping, just spectacular. After our visit, we went around through Glenwood, and up to the Catwalk, another artifact of mining activities (pipeline up the creek). The overcast sky made photo-taking difficult, and the elevation has kept us from running around much. We do more plodding!
It’s raining now, rather unexpectedly for us, and the rain felt cold on our faces as we, with overabundant determination, took a planned dip in the hot tub, cutting it short due to the inclement circumstances. (Yesterday, we stayed in almost an hour, much of it with the jets and lights off to better see the sky.)