Late this afternoon, The Guys—actually the Pinch Hitter Crew—came in and put up Sheetrock™ in the staircase, once again isolating the destroyed area from our living space. The other exciting part is that this means the upper and lower zipwalls that made the stairwell into an air lock are now GONE.
If this photo is confusing, The Photographer, not me but one JCB (thanks dear!), was standing in what is once again becoming the master bath, and looking between the studs down the interior staircase. Indeed, you can see the zipwall (now removed!) between the staircase (the house’s central transportation corridor) and the downstairs living area.
The house is still modeling a tarp, but it’s undergone huge progress over the past week. Yea!
Posted at 5:13 PM |
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I could not have predicted that I would track this plant through its growth cycle. I’ve sure been enjoying it, though!
This is the fourth blog entry with a picture of this rogue jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) that appeared in the spring in an untended flower bed in our backyard.
Over the last week or so, the plant’s been throwing off its ripened berries, and is now down to the last three at the base of the spadix. Yes, that’s the botanical term for the “jack,” which is now left to dessicate, having done its work. The seeds are thrown out up to several feet from the plant. I say thrown out like I saw them spin away, but I haven’t; I’m just surmising.
This sets me up for next year, when I can see if any of the daughter plants germinate! Maybe I should continue to leave this bed untended….
* 1) Good title? Did you really want to check out the text?, and
2) sorry if you thought it was, but this is not a typo of a reference to James Spader (sigh).
Posted at 10:36 AM |
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