Searching for rhubarb
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Today’s highlight was taking a long lunch and going to the State Farmers’ Market, a 150-acre installation south of town that’s also touted as the “World’s Largest Roadside Fruit and Vegetable Stand,” an excursion we shared with our neighbors.
We first lunched at the Oakwood Café on the premises. Once sated, we commenced our wander. Most of the stands (actually bigger than stands, if you ask me) that were open seemed to be attended by Mexican-American entrepreneurs, and I had great fun chatting with them. Two (guys) told me that I spoke very good Spanish! The only reponse is to say, “¡Usted, también!“*
I even saw guaje pods, which Wiki-Pee says are Leucaena leucocephala, “a mimosoid tropical tree.” These are not commonly seen on this side of the border; some people say that the name Oaxaca is derived from guaje (say gwah-hay). What fun!
Upon our return, we became immersed in a small financial morass, making this and that payment and deciding with the CPA to apply for an “automatic” extension of time to file (as we often do). Bleh.
BTW, no rhubarb. And no vendors who really knew what it is, either….
Extra points if you’ve read H. Allen Smith’s humor novel Rhubarb, about an orange-red cat who owned a baseball club (if I remember correctly)….
* It means “you, too!,” if you didn’t guess….