
Glenn’s early days


We just did a drive-by (the tourist kind), as it was raining (mostly) and miscellaneous other (mostly nebulous) factors were in play, but the house looked prosperous for its time.

The house: John Glenn’s boyhood home. Long before his space tour.

The website says it was moved back to Main Street. Wonder where it was moved away to….

Anyway, the house now fronts the National Road, now US 40. We even saw the old mile-markers in a few places.


It’s Monday, so we must be in Cleveland.

Yes, with a package deal at the hotel that included tix to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum!! Our takeaway: it’s fun. Once.

I liked seeing the costumes close-up (so I could check sewing details). I also enjoyed seeing the wear patterns on the guitars.

Perhaps the most interesting exhibit was on Les Paul (and not because they had three different spellings of his original last name; Wikipedia gives it as Lester William Polsfuss, but that wasn’t the most common one in Cleveland). I didn’t know he invented the brace for holding a harmonica, with the chest piece that props it in front of the mouth (see Bob Dylan photos, example here).

What’s that across the bay?


View south-southeast across the mouth of Sandusky Bay.

We discovered (well, really: RE-discovered) that from the lighthouse in Marblehead you can see Cedar Point*.

Not Russia.

We’re talking Ohio and Lake Erie….

* WikiPee says the Cedar Point amusement park dates from 1840. Whew!

FOOTNOTE: Téo has become Téo Two.

TECH NOTE: Maybe do the operating system upgrade to version 4.2.1 later.

Good ol’ Eastern Market


We browsed Eastern Market today, looking at this and that, and buying garlands, a wreath, and some terrific Bloody Mary mix (spicy! hot!)—McClure’s doncha know….

The cold seeping up from the cement triggered childhood memories of the Lansing market; my shoes/boots were never thick enough to ward off the chill after winter came on full.

I was glad to see crowds of people, and good-looking produce. I woulda bought if we were closer to home….

November = winter (northern hemisphere)


I experienced many interesting and exciting events today. The standout: yup, the snow drifted sideways in the wind, catching for a few minutes here and there in protected places. By afternoon, the temps weren’t much warmer, but the snow ceased to fall and be blown about. Which made me happy!

Giving thanks for pie, and more


I have let faceless minions (including, I suppose, machines) do some of the legwork on our T-giving. Pies, however, I did at home.

I kinda figured what the answer would be, but I asked The Botanist the other day if he wanted one or two flavors of pies…and so, we made both apple and pumpkin today. I usually do a streusel topping on the apple, but just did the simple sugar-cinnamon-butter routine today….

EL has changed since I left


“Wintery mix” is one of those phrases that’s rather inexact as to details, but you can be pretty darned sure that you won’t find it very pleasant.

Here’s a favorite wifi stop…possibly waiting for springtime.

EL PO becomes Irish


A few of you Gentle Readers may remember when this building was actually a post office. Then I remember enjoying a series of outstanding breakfasts here (much better than steam-table dorm food, ya see)….

It’s now East Lansing’s Dublin Square eatery and bar. Of course…yes, we drank Guinness.

…Monday, it must be Paris


In perusing maps, somehow I missed that there’s a Paris in Wisconsin.

This, however, was the only sign saying Paris that we found there. (Captured in a rain storm—unseasonally warm today, highs in the mid-60s.)

The community is really more of a four-corners at present.


More gaming, WI style


Today we began our next road tour, and took advantage of the reduced traffic on Sunday to scoot through Chicagoland to the Milwaukee area.

…another opportunity to watch the behavior of a young male: games also triumphed (for a while).

Great fun making a casual Sunday visit with long-time friends, yes, even though it was two states distant!