
Sunshine on grey

Buckhead parking lot still life

Thanks, new iPhone cam.

We did the unusual today—we went out to lunch.

First, though, we visited a Buckhead art gallery to see Diane’s photographs. I love her images, and these were all landscapes, and gorgeous.

Then, since we were in la-di-da Buckhead, where we almost never hang out, and fine restaurants abound there, we picked one on a side street at random and were quickly seated. This was the view from the window next to our table, and I’m not sure why the arrangement/color of the vehicles caught my eye. But what made me want to photograph it was the linear greyscale visuals across space in the midst of the cars….

Meanwhile, I ordered the soup of the day, which was a pureed roasted beet soup. A pleasure.

And, as you might imagine, not grey at all.