
Count me confused

Periwinkle grande w ant

Vinca (didn’t check the leaf margins, although flower size strikes me as V. major, but that’s now how scientists do it…). Look at that ant!

I got excited about getting—as in buying—an edited volume, published by a university press, back I think in oh-nine, so not super-recent. Then, I discovered, no discounts, still $35 for the paperback. Something like 260 pages (including I’m sure the table of contents and index, all those extras). Yeesh.

I guess this is how publishers are staying in biz as bookstores fade?

Learning process, v. 271433

Tulip insides funky focus

In which…

…I discover during a visit to a nearby clinic (accompanying a friend with a hurt–not broken—ankle who could not drive) that they take walk-ins in the morning and make appointments for the afternoon.

…I make an edamame dip pretty much following the recipe (NYT from when I should have followed my instincts and adjusted the ingredients. (As in: boil edamame about 6 minutes, drain and stop cooking with ice water; less onion, maybe lime instead of lemon, that kind of thing…).

(For starters.)

Look at that pollen

Crocus de bot garden jan

We responded to the continuing unseasonable warmth by heading over to Piedmont Park, this time via a “back” route, with only a few steps of (sorta) trespassing. Fortunately, the water was down in a wee creek and we could hop it with only a teensy splash, and continue along a path by where there used to be community gardens. We even braved Sunday crowds at the Bot Garden, and found some early blooms—like this crocus.

Outta whack

Bloomin cherry in Jan well late

Checked out the new Old Fourth Ward Park for the first time. It’s got amazing hydraulics that trap waters that used to flow south under what’s now City Hall East (has the name changed? developers have it now…) across Ponce and into…John says Clear Creek. I do so wish Google Maps did a better job with creek names….

Anyway, en route, we found a blooming cherry tree. When the temps drop, whenever that is, we’re going to see damaged plants, probably with obvious effects lasting through the summer.

Numbers game today

Clear creek from new beltline bridge

Beltline crossing, Clear Creek, downstream of Bot Garden, from new footbridge.

(in no particular order…)

Three bluebirds (not indigo buntings).

Five mockingbirds, up to hijinks.

One long walk.

Two kinds of tea—English (that is, black, from Ceylon, which is really Sri Lanka today), and Japanese green.

Zero great blue herons (saw one yesterday).

Ahem—nothing totaling forty. Other than four stats other than tea. Heh.

Gimpy, floral version

Daffy with malformed petal

The sun lit up this bloom perfectly, and it took me a long time to notice that it has a gimpy petal. Not that it matters….

Weeds abound

Dandies of Piedmont Park

Our continuing unseasonably warm weather mean the weeds are flourishing. And the dandies are blooming!

Bright sunshine and tulips

Tulips pink in sunshine on UB table

I couldn’t decide which photo to elevate to the status of Daily Blog Photo. I had so many interesting ones from a long walk-stroll-wander around Piedmont Park. Finally, I decided to select the last of the roll—from back at the house. It has the best energy.

I hear the weather’s supposed to turn crappy (sunny, with a high of 63°F, today), so maybe some of the unselected will appear later this week. Tune in and see….

Plz arrive after lunch

We eat solicitors

And we got a bottle of Planeta La Segreta (a white) at this liquor store (aka Ansley Wine) that I’d never had before and it was…um-um-good. Planeta is a major winery in Sicily…that we did not visit while we were there last May. Should we plan on another Sicily trip that includes winery visits? Hmm-hmm???

He said…she said…

Barca trio bridge

He said: “(evocative of) the Bridge.”

She said (with a nauseated back note): “Barca-lounger trio.”

You say…?