
I stepped out this morning early, before full light, when the storm was on the cusp of transitioning to brighter colors on the radar, and pointed the camera up at the naked branches. I love it when the trees stay upright.
Posted at 8:54 PM |
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I’m still enjoying the scent from the paperwhites I planted before Xmas (and took to MI and back). They bloomed like they were two different genetic batches (even though the bulbs came from the same box)—an early trio and the laggers that are still offering up their special fragrance.
Posted at 5:45 PM |
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Distracted by Lion upgrade* to laptop (only) and bulbs preparing to bloom, I “made” this picture at 6pm and forgot to post it until later. Hrrrumph.
Early report on scrolling reversal: give it a few minutes and stop thinking about it and your hand-eye coordination will kick in and make the change.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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This statue is standing on a cube labeled Jack Daniel. I’m not sure what the rainbow mustache means.
UPDATE: chili essay related to yesterday’s chili (and today’s leftovers) added to Food Fun as a wordy recipe….
Posted at 7:01 PM |
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It really wasn’t chilly today (a tad over 50°F when I went for grocs), but it was rainy and I deemed it a chili day. Even before I saw another pot of my chili (resurrected from a Guru archive) over on
Posted at 6:46 PM |
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Big excitement—I decided today I can tell that the day-length is again increasing. Hey, I found it exciting!
Posted at 6:11 PM |
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Long story, but sometimes the best version of reality comes from…an unexpected locus—here, it’s under a park bench.
Posted at 9:16 PM |
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As we sat on a bench in the sun gazing across Lake Clara Meer (the northeast lobe with fewer Canada geese), we agreed that we were basking in a sparkly day.
Posted at 6:15 PM |
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Display at the MSU Museum….
Cold wind felt like it penetrated my skin as we walked to the library, making us prefer east-west to north-south streets. Saw a dandelion and a periwinkle in bloom. Poor things. Gonna be cold tonight (for here).
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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I confess, this isn’t from today, but from last week at the MSU Museum (Go Green!). As a kid, I spent considerable time in front of this series of huge dioramas. Distinctly odd to see them in this century. Once again I eyed the line of leaf-cutter ants in the tropical forest diorama for an unnatural length of time. Why? I cannot say.
Posted at 7:44 PM |
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