
The Botanist (1917–2012)

The Botanist pointing ages ago

Always graceful, The Botanist preferred the out-of-doors, and unequivocally thought food sacred. He worked his garden to perfection, growing a wide variety of produce for his family, neighbors, and friends.

We lost him today, late in the afternoon, during a spring that came unseasonably early, allowing him to watch the asparagus become pickable by mid-March (unheard of here in SoMI), and the weeds march across the garden plot, except for the strawberry bed, weeded with care by my bro several weeks back.

Destructive multipliers

Bun bun corner

Note how the leaves are almost coming in….

Mid-afternoon, after the rain stopped, we watched three bunnies…frolicking…in the corner of the garden, lower right.

Post-dating the Post Office

Blooming ornamental pear East lansing

We discovered the ornamental pears in front of East Lansing’s former Post Office are just gorgeous (do I use that word too frequently? and indiscriminately?).

Moment with the sun

Chair sunshine corner dawn blue

Does it all come down to light? Is light the essence of visual aesthetics?

Is light it?

Frost variables: asparagus

Asparagus frosted on the hoof

The promised frost did hit our piece of the planet earth in the wee hours, and I’ll be having translucent asparagus with lunch, since I didn’t get them picked yesterday. The color was just gorgeous as the sun shone through the stem. Little guys, like the one on the right, and pencil-thin specimens, like the one on the left, made it through okay.

Duck, peaches!

Peach blossom in mar of all things

We are warned to expect frost tonight. Blossoms are rather susceptible; we’ll see how this peach fares—although the Botanist says the peaches this tree produces aren’t worth it.

I’m sorry; gotta go. I see the asparagus patch needs picking again….

Please stand by (lilacs)

Lilac still in Mar bloom stem ready

On the 16th, just nine days ago (if my math is right), the greenery on this lilac were little leaf-nubbins. Today, the bloom-spikes are ready to roll!

Color changes everything (tee-em?)

Color changes everything

Is this Tar-zhay’s answer to the latest high color contrast ad campaign by JCP?

Oooh. Snuck away and had lunch out with my Sweetie. (Ah, blessed respite.) A colorful sushi lunch….

Light and bright

Window view blooming shrubs with raindrops

Rainy day, yet the blooms still glimmer, even at dusk.

Redbud a-burgeoning

Redbud in bud with lone seed pod

Can it still be March? Calendar says yes. Trees say: pay attention to the jet stream, weather.

I say, I’m on the threshold of being here a month, and I do not think today’s events brought me closer to exiting. Cross your fingers that blood transfusions and antibiotics turn things around quickly (I am).