
Mirror mirror…

Olive oil reflection pool

…in a saucer….

Doesn’t this olive oil look like a reflecting pool?

Apparently reflecting pools were developed by ancient Persians. Desert people think of water differently than those living in places with…more water.

It’s just luxe to use olive oil for a reflecting pool unless it’s just saucer sized….

Hyacinths aborning

Hyacinths coming along

The burst of warm weather we’re having is moving the bulbs along at a fast pace!

More daffie eye-candy

Daffodil front

You’ve seen my earliest blooming daffodils. This is from the second wave. They’re in front, and I planted them originally along the walkway to the front door. Now there’s a different walkway, a bit farther from the house, and the daffodils still come up, in front of the azaleas. They have stereotypical daffodil blooms, while the first-wave ones are a bit…fancier, with extra ruffles in the central orange part. I think.

Simple choices

Mango vs orange plus vodka

You know it’s a long story. The short version: mango or orange. Technically: orange vs mango.

Now, why the orange is…more vibrant than the mango…I’m not sure.

You’re an adult. You figure it out.

Fish Friday

Yellow carp scales aswimming

How good are you at recognizing a fish by its scales? Clue: this one was found in a (big, international) grocery store.

I didn’t buy him, selecting instead from the tuna steak and sushi-grade salmon.

Identified on the sign as “yellow carp” my guess is this is Cyprinus carpio, and it was farm-raised. And if WikiPee has it right, this is on the “Worst Invasive Species” list. And, may I say, dead (so not invading). Supposed to be tasty stewed in red wine.

Last days of winter*

Shrubby honeysuckle maybe

I snuck out between raindrops and found this waterlogged honeysuckle, with, um, stalwart blooms.

I was just telling the Guru yesterday that the afternoon light persists noticeably longer, and found out this morning (do I live in a bubble or something??) that we will undergo our spring-forward time change this weekend.

* That is, by some calculations. Your results may vary.

Not Subway

Sandwich condiments

Is true wealth a huge assortment of sandwich condiment choices?


Quince blossoms continue

I realized that most of the quince blossoms I had thought were frosted to death are blooming! And going from brown to bloom ever so fast!

I find myself not trusting a word out of Putin’s mouth after getting through all of season 2 of Spacey’s House of Cards.

But maybe I would have before I saw it, too….

Blink to focus

Surviving quince blooms

Quince blooms, captured using the macro.

Chilly overnight will threaten these…survivors….


Bulb a baking

In the very low 70°Fs today—hard to believe. Soooo very nice. Rain and cooler (only way we can go, pretty much) tomorrow, and (at least the cooler part) for a while.