On this day of the Great Pumpkin (and other creatures of darkness)…

…I found my eye captured by the azaleas, once again in bloom….

And even without an infusion of limoncello or an internet-check, I know that it is raining outside right at this very moment….
Two centered, essentially circular images…hmmm, too similar; make a change…—your informal editor
Posted at 10:38 PM |
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Here’s evidence of the pending blooming season. I had thought about pruning this camellia for shape, but it’s too late—I can’t bring myself to sacrifice the blooms-to-be.
Posted at 9:24 PM |
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We had some rain in the morning, then the afternoon was overcast for quite a while, except for a few minutes when the western sky became looming-grey. In a few hours, the sun came out.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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Coins we didn’t spend in Italy….
Let’s see: 8.2 megapixel camera on new iPad Air2 plus Waterlogue software equals opportunity to experiment….
Love the rogue green blob-ette….
Posted at 2:19 PM |
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Sometimes the light, I think, points your eyes at a shadow pattern. Like this.
Posted at 10:54 PM |
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Ehem…via the Prius, on the amazing Cherohala Skyway highway. It’s a late arrival to the road system, draped across high ground with many pull-offs, and a perfect choice for a sunny autumn day. We found slopes and peaks that were mostly denuded, along with plenty of pine/oak/other species forests with nice leaf color.
We thought the rivers had more water than we expected for the season, but maybe our expectations are skewed from the many drought years….
The states we visited were GA, SC, GA, NC, TN, and home in GA. That was more that we planned when we left home…got carried away by the fine views…in a good way.
Posted at 9:34 PM |
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I once took an economic anthro course that was undergrad/grad, and in this case rather simplistic (IMHO) in the discussions and readings (gotta get the curve to work for the underclass-folk), and the class-members concluded that our society was a society of consumers.
Right or wrong…, well, today, this household, we fit the consumer profile.
Loving this fast, wee, thin, delightful machine, excuse me, tool the JCB says, which should be much easier to read nodding off in bed, ahem.
Posted at 8:31 PM |
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I imprinted on the temperate deciduous forest world, and the maple and its fall color signal the season deep in my brain…not original, but understandable.

In addition, the seed-heads of the pampas grass (I think) also caught my eye….
Posted at 5:36 PM |
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I’ve been enjoying the autumn-specific assortment of blooms Nature and my Gardening Neighbors offer these days.

I found this for-sale display a bit jarring, however; while mums are autumn flowers (see first photo), tulips are spring spring SPRING flowers! The miracle of greenhouses…and people who don’t know seasonality….
Posted at 5:29 PM |
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In my extreme youth, I was encouraged to “watch your feet” whenever I was walking. This resulted in an overwhelming prevalence of head-down walking by me. Which is good in the woods, but not-so-good elsewhere.
So, today, I sought to keep my eyes higher than my own body-height. Nothing earth-shaking resulted from this effort, although I want credit for it….
Posted at 7:20 PM |
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