
An assortment

Some days I look through my photo collection (including a few courtesy of the Guru), and I quickly zero in on The One. Sometimes I eyeball a few, then am able to pick one. On occasion, it’s “reply hazy, try again later.”

Do I select a typical go-to, a flower?

Blue flag

Blue flag (I’m pretty sure).

Do I go for a critter? We watched him/her toss the fish several times, easily recatching it each time, I guess before he/she liked the alignment, then, zip, down the hatch.

Loon fish

Common loon (again, pretty sure on this).

Then there’s the pattern option. I really like studying these images. How many scales/types of patterns and asymmetries can I identify?

Lily pads

And then The Guru takes interesting images. Sometimes ones I can’t get.
