
Park/BotGarden check

Fatsia in winter

I have seen these outdoors at the BotGarden and in yards, but never looked them up. I found an identification plaque near this one in the BotGarden, but couldn’t tell if it was for this plant. A quick smart-phone search and…tada! this is a Fatsia spp (probably F. japonica). To me, the leaves look like a strange castor bean.

Yellow conservatory flower

This striking flower cluster was in the BotGarden conservatory, and I did not look for a label. One of life’s mysteries….

Lets do this bucket

We found many volunteers and employees of the ABG busy with mid-winter spiffing, indoors and out. When we were in the conservatory, we found many rakes and trimmings, but no people. Break time?

Canada geese PiedPk winter

Overwintering Canada geese (and other waterfowl) in the park…these were swimming to a white-bread-spreading family…; is that the goose equivalent of Mc_Donald’s nutrition? Photo is to show that although we saw several ghosty shadows, mostly it was thoroughly overcast.