Plant report
Friday, 11 March 2016
The light-starved hyacinths are greening and growing. What color will the blossoms be??? Pins and needles.
Friday, 11 March 2016
The light-starved hyacinths are greening and growing. What color will the blossoms be??? Pins and needles.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Mini- pot?bucket?tank?tub? of yellow hyacinths. Very short ones. We’ll see if they put on a growth spurt. A surprise from our kindly accountant; thanks, V.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
I’m presenting an old-fashioned daffodil to go with my new word, Witzelsucht. It means pathological joking or addiction to wisecracking—not just punning, but compulsive joking including in socially inappropriate situations. It happens after a specific kind of brain damage. Discussion generated by BBC (BTW, the fancy word for a pun is paronomasia. FYI.)
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
The quince* is now in full bloom after at least two attempts that were quelled by cold. I love the wiry twisted branches as much as the flowers. Thanks, D&F.
It’s a Chaenomeles spp., and not the fruit quince, which is Cydonia oblonga and the only member of that genus. The blossoms look apple/cherry/plum-ish, as they are also members of the Rosaceae family.
Monday, 7 March 2016
I like the lighter color now revealed on the redbud-buds; they were smaller and tighter on the third (yeah, this is what the march of time looks like measured via a spring-time shrub).
Sunday, 6 March 2016
The robins were back, plus grackles, sparrows, and more. This cardinal posed intentionally, I’m pretty sure, although she didn’t do a good job of catching the light.
And the light was lovely.
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Bird day in the backyard…they came through in species groups. I only caught this robin high in the tree with the camera with enough sun to pass it along.
Friday, 4 March 2016
Walking down a street with my thoughts lost in the news-via-earbuds, I surfaced enough to realize bobbing gold-yellow blobs down both sides of the street, not evenly spaced, but…present. So, I focused. And realized they were flags marking underground utilities. Except this one.
Then, I kept my eyes open, and saw a blooming Prunus spp., cherry or plum, probably.
And this ornamental with so many buds right along the leaf bases. Don’t know what this is at all.
Thursday, 3 March 2016
This morning was sunshine and potential.
This afternoon (and continuing) was rain, sleet-and-rain, and rain…and gloominess. We had enough sleet to accumulate in the gutter (well, on top of the aging leaves), and to blow-out my snap (only shot one; such confidence😀).
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Here’s what I think of as the shady side of Ponce City Market. Flag looks good, though.
Pair of geese, foreground. Crane, background. I wondered if the geese were thinking about nesting there, but later, they were swimming. I think it’s a relatively problematic nesting location. Crane wheeled around, but did not move its “feet/foot.”
When I went by southbound, I heard/saw two musicians playing here next to the BeltLine #weloveATL photo exhibit, making it into dual art media, I thought. Northbound, one was gone and the other was checking her phone. Is that still art?
Curious quote that may have no relevance to everyday life: “It is smaller than a human hair, resembles a mushroom, and is thought to be the earliest fossil of a land-dwelling organism.” Find the full story here.