
No haymakers thrown

Horse patrol

Looks like the fantastically warm temps have brought out the horse troops. Clop clop. Better than mildew!

Bust chandelier

That’s a chandelier of stainless kitchen tools behind the plaster bust. Un-busted bust.

Dark side, not moon

Majestic Food in lights

Someone (not me) made a late-day drone run to capture the soft light of the Golden Hour. This is the dark side of the Majestic at dusk, however. Isn’t that a green!

What is perspective?

Wine light

The world is perspective.

How do YOU say “Cashel”?

Dogwood watered down

I’ve been meaning to note that the dogwoods are blooming. I have a soft spot for Cornus florida. [And the pears are about finished, leaves supplanting petals.]

Sunset light

Nice color in the sunset sky, but not terribly widespread. Still, I was moved by the orange-pink shading.

Title refers to my touring-Ireland research…spent some time today pondering the limestone plateau that is the Rock of Cashel….

Flowers matter

Hellebore okay

We had a couple of cold overnights, cold as in below freezing. The hellebore made it through safely, or mostly okay.

Azalea overcooled

The azalea must be more…delicate, though, as it is rotting.

The problem is that these are flowers and we’ll miss them, but this doesn’t reduce food production.

Buddhist pantheon?

Eyebrow man

My lovely neighbor took me on a wee expedition this afternoon, in which we visited what I took to be a contemplative garden, Vietnamese Buddhist style. The eyebrows on this fellow went down past his knees. Astounding.

Ear cleaning lesson

I’m guessing this guy has ear-wax buildup or ear-fleas…something dire.


However, I’m going to interpret this as a sign that it’s okay that I have no idea what these characters are intended to indicate, or symbolize, or whatever.

I’m an anthropologist in the dark on a sunny day.

Take care of your anthers

Fuchsia azalea

We’re expecting a low of 26°F overnight, and that’s a real drop for the flowers and me. And homeless people cowboy camping…. (Other things, too, I’m sure.)

π day

Empty cop car blocks streetcar

Here’s a scene for a short story, or to fit into a longer narrative: streetcar brought to a halt by an abandoned police car left in a well-marked don’t-park-here spot. No police action anywhere around; I couldn’t even guess where the driver went. Result: incessant honking by the streetcar driver, first beep-beep-beep, then beeeeeeeeeeeeee (without letup). No one had shown up by four minutes later when we departed from our very legal parking spot down the block. It’s not like the streetcar can drive around!

Pi x 3 plus 2

We have honored and celebrated π day by dining this evening on pies. Three dinner pies and two teeny sweet pies. The flavors: chicken-bacon, steak-stout, and chicken-mushroom. Dessert: apple and peach. I didn’t make them, but I did reheat them.


Pitcher picture

So, is this a picture of pitchers?

“She’s discombobulated from the time change, I see.”

What time?

Clayton snow

Up early, because the time change. And we had a date in Athens. So I had the tube kicking out weather info while the coffee was dripping, and, hello!, snow in north Georgia—more than the dusting I presumed would happen.

Chair porch

Athens…great fun, great colors, terrific stories and laughs. Wonderful.

And now we are home and I am wondering about the new time. So dark right at the moment.