
Late azalea & unroofed*

Varicolored azalea

Out earlier than I have been—after I heard afternoon temps were to reach the low 80s. LOW 80s!!

New roof coming

Found another local construction project—a new roof. Big pile of plywood I assume was the roof decking (with a few shingle bits attached), but in strange squarish rectangles, not the standard 4×8 size, but looked about 3 and a half by 4 or so. Seemed strange.

I certainly would love that porch if I was living in that upstairs apartment…with a roof.

I have no title ideas. I was going to do “Late,” as if it would be clever that would have a different meaning for each picture…something along the lines of late azalea, not early; and late roof, as in used to be a roof…kinda—see doesn’t work….