
Left arrow is difficult for even me to decode, but it’s pointing at our slightly leggy ornamental quince, newly moved to this location (before the rain rain rain storm). Still needs top-dressing. And into the quince’s old spot: a large hemispherical lavender, transplanted from a kindly neighbor’s yard (too much shade).
Right arrow is pointing at soggy-but-still-with-blooms pink-white azalea.
In the first ¶, note the verb “moved.” How did the plant get moved? In short, there was digging and wrestling and two people. Note the verb “digging.” Yes, the first digging since the Foot Thing happened. Felt good, no pain, no strangeness; just strength. Yay! (I was super apprehensive before this….)
Posted at 6:34 PM |
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Sometime after midnight the rain started. I figure it rained, sometimes a lot until well after dawn (obscured by rain clouds), then off and on through the morning. This bucket was empty when it got dark last night. I tried a keep-the-phone-safe photo, attempting to use my feet for scale. Hrrumph. Not a big success. So, I headed off on my walk.

When I returned, I got serious about science and measurement. That’s an honest measurement—almost six inches of rain accumulated in this bucket since last night. That’s a darned lot of rain. Glad we live closer to the hilltop than any valley drainage.

Okay. Flowers from our traffic island. I don’t thank my neighbors who care for this area enough. Or help them…I COULD do that.
Posted at 7:14 PM |
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For some in this country, it’s the ham holiday coming up. We cheated and had our ham last week (day after happy day).

Tonight we went the opposite direction: tofu veggie Thai curry. With a scatter of fresh cilantro and mint on top. Mmmmmm.
Posted at 6:09 PM |
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You might argue that these two offer…

…colors for a different holiday than the upcoming one. Still Christian, however.
Posted at 7:56 PM |
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Public art one: red bird, airborne.

White bird: tethered.
I like the red one better; seems “free”er and less contrived. My imagination, perhaps.

“License plate” on rental electric moped. The second letter…you’re meant to see “U” not “O.” I see the intent, but it’s an “O” to me. The rest is…tacky. At best.
Posted at 9:03 PM |
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The Île de la Cité will never be the same. The gargoyles are still coughing (I’m pretty sure).
Posted at 6:18 PM |
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Wicker waiting.

Cupcakes waiting.
Actually, I did very little waiting. I didn’t partake of the couch, but I did of the cupcakes! I skipped the red velvet, but tried the other two (45 minutes apart). Mmmm.
Posted at 6:05 PM |
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Rooting for Sattuhday night! Watching Atlanta United.
It’s a crazy mixed-up world.
Posted at 8:19 PM |
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Always seems like a triumph to set out to do a list (short, but still) of errands, and to get them all accomplished without any real fuss or delay. Yay!
Posted at 7:51 PM |
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Ya gotta know that if we go to the BotGarden, we check out the Frog Baby and look for frogs in the pool. Yes, they’re back from winter break; there’s one eyeing a statue frog!

And we check out the Goddess. Still waiting for new plant-plugs. This poor fellow is working against the spring waterfall of plant detritus threatening to clog her pools. Keeps him employed!

Totally different pond/pool, and different story. Shape and color variation is pure eye-candy. Plant eye-candy, that is.

Okay; floral fun. I don’t know what this is, but I call it super-chive.

Brings a different meaning to the phrase “bird-watching.” [Bird spotted by the Guru.]
Posted at 5:52 PM |
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