Sunday, 22 September 2019
One year when I was a kid, we arrived for our summer stint at the cottage and the landscape on the edge of the neighbors’ field had changed to include a new pond. I suspect it was to improve drainage in the field and water cattle. Very soon, cattails lined the pond. Now the declivity lacks open water. Such is the way of ecological succession. MaNachur does not want a pond here.
Yes, rainy day…all day…drip drip. When I was a kid (again…(thank you for your patience)), the road grader came and scraped the gravel/fill so that the road had no puddles. The road had a discernible central spine/crown, and the road flowed laterally into the ditches, then down the ditches. Now the paradigm seems to be to make the road flat, which means the water flows down the side of the graveled area, like this, and never reaches the ditch. This makes the ditches a cosmetic spacer, and a waste of good agricultural land.
Is there a hypothesis here that an all-day rain, spattering on the porch roof, reminds me of my childhood? However, no triple-deck games of war have begun, so maybe just a touch of nostalgia and not an overwhelming metamorphosis.