Doors and gateways
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Gallery doorway. Sign is at opposite end of building; building faces Old Santa Fé Trail, with a narrow sidewalk between the curb and property wall.
Main, front entrance to the NM capitol. Strange choice to have single row of trees that visually block the doors; usually there are two rows flanking the view.
Arched doorway of the NM history library, built, as you can read, as a public library—which is now across the street.
Arch over base of walkway up Marcy Hill.
Fence-gate near the rear of St Francis Cathedral.
Filled in doorway in wall next to Santa Fé River. The paint I think is to obscure graffiti.
Rarely used gateway.
Utility gateway.
Eroding spooky cranium topping a gatepost. [I thought this might be a head-newel, but newels are only by staircases, if I have it right.]