
Window view

Golden sheep

I can’t describe how sad I feel that publicly visible corruption is endemic in our national government. I was staggered that two of our Supreme Court Justices were willing to go on live television and lie under oath…nope. I’m stopping here….

I leave you with…? drooping gold sheep? under a tree of life? I don’t know what I’m looking at. [Mall window display, little-used side hallway.]


Infrastructure attention

Serious crane-truck to lift that protective steel plate…I did wonder what equipment they use for that. [I like the reflection of the safety vest in the mailbox.]

Pecan shellls

Are squirrel-discarded pecan shell fragments also a form of infrastructure?

Gold crocus

Flower update. Yup, the early bulbs are hitting their stride.

Sorry if you were mislead by the title and were looking forward to reading insightful comments about the 💩 flinging going on in DC.

Wha? Wha?

Scooter handlebar reflection

Recently, the Guru told me he wanted to watch “The Man DeLorean”—that’s what I heard anyway. I was thinking of the car guy (not one of the brothers).

Yellow jasmine portrait

Turns out he was saying “The Mandalorian,” which is quite a different thing. And we binge-watched it, and we have finished the series, and I miss it.

Architectural columns


Lotsa columns.

Half columns


Leafless bldgs

No columns at all.

Water feature

Water feature.

Prayer candles

Humorous addition: Dolly and RGB prayer candles.

Without and with cedilla/cédille

Yellow jasmine

A new crop of yellow jasmine blooms….

Computational facade

A computational façade….

…As they do

Beech leaves

From yesterday…beech leaves, still hanging on…

Turkey tail mushrooms

And turkey tail mushrooms, showing apparent growth rings…

OTP Saturday

Russell Cave view out

I’ve been a bit antsy for several days to get out of town, that is: OTP—outside the perimeter. No rain today, so we scooted. And headed to Russell Cave, owned by these United States, up in far northeast Alabama. This is the view from the cave, used by way-back peoples. Today it was a bit damp, and the creek below had water, but was not in flood.

Hiking trail

We took what I thought was a short nature trail; I had it wrong. We went up and up, switchback after switchback. I kept thinking, “I’m glad it’s not wetter; this moss must get slippery!”

Valley view

With the leaves off, we had some views of Doran’s Cove, the valley below.

Turkey hens

And, as we left the cove, we saw a flock of wild turkeys. They were jumpy and headed for the woods when we stopped…only a few stragglers left. Pretty birds, these gals.

Ridge ride

Physiographically, this area is Ridge-and-Valley. Here we are heading up the west flank of Lookout Mountain, working our way back toward the ATL. Sun’s out!

Etowah view

The Guru mentioned how great the light angle was, so we headed over to that big mound site just outside Cartersville on the bank of the Etowah (clue there!). The Guru was right; the light was fantastic, and there was some wind, but Droney got the shots. And video (not posted). That line of trees between the plowed field and the grass around the mounds is in a massive ditch—defensive, plus where the fill to build the mounds came from, no?

Sun emerged later

O4W lake view

I don’t usually shoot through tree branches like this at a longer view. It matched the overcast feel, I thought.

Gold Ford again

Stopped by for another quick look at the gold Ford. Ex-cop car, it seems.

Crane truck

Not sure why I liked this partly in-the-building truck. The juxtaposition of the orange cone, perhaps?

Tenebrous outing

Dogwood statue

Murky day, although I did walk to the park, do a limited circuit, and walk back. Dodging a few raindrops now and then.

Piled sod

On the return leg, I passed a landscaper trailer piled with sod. Strange stuff, sod. Where I come from, it was grown on sandy loam. This is on what looks like a clay mixture. Can’t figure out why, other than this part of this state has more clay soils than loamy soils.

Did I have a flash card with tenebrous on it when I was studying for the GREs? Sure don’t remember ever using that word in a sentence…and now in a headline? Sheesh. 😀

Truck day

Bucket work

That is, it was truck day in our neighborhood. Visiting trucks. Working trucks. And truck-workers.

Garbage day, of course; that accounted for garbage and recycling vehicles. Plus cable and communications (like this guy…in hardhat) trucks of various sorts. Plus assorted landscaper and yard-guy/gal vehicles, some dailies, some pickups with trailers. Plus delivery vehicles…mostly Amazon, with various others including stubby post office trucks.

You get the idea.

And one car I noticed—yeah, not a truck. From the words on the side it seemed that it carried a portable baby sonogram machinery/operator, if I read it right. New one on me.