
In the time of Covid


These guys are doing their volleyball thing like there’s no covid likely to be transmitted while heavy-breathing. [Two weeks ago, the MLB allowed baseball teams to open spring training; now they’ve got so many Covid-Positive players and staff that everything’s closed again. A cosmos for the rest of us.]

Temporary trailer classrooms

Among the many remodeling, construction, and rebuilding activities that are underway because: covid closed, trucks today removed several portable trailer-classrooms from a nearby elementary school. I look forward to seeing how this works out. Fewer classrooms to densify students? THAT doesn’t make sense…so what are they up to? Standing by….

Urbanized urbanizations

Covid car spot

In my head, I call these covid car spots…whether there’s a car (or other vehicle) there or not. They are distinguished by the drip line and sedimentation pattern. Many covid cars have been moved…this one is a fresh exit. [It’s by the house where a couple walked their cats (one each) during the height of staying home.]

Sidewalk watering

Some city people water their sidewalks. I’m not sure, but I hypothesize that they think it’ll make the cracks seal up.

Sculpture above fence

Whimsical sculpture…by fence. Is it a razorback hog? A dog with muscular thighs? Not sure.

Change and evolution

Tomato cage technology

Pro-tomato, anti-squirrel cage technology.

BLM in chalk

I still see this and have to translate from Bureau of Land Management to…#BLM.

Hosta portrait

Hosta bloom portrait. Moderately successful.

Motley jumble


I walked along a street I rarely visit and found this oversized thistle. Stunning.

Yellowstone fungi

This resembles a travertine flow at Yellowstone, yet it’s a cascade of fungi.

Apt TV

Large TV in a small apartment. A basement apartment. Pure spectator anthropology. [Full disclosure: I saw no people; I did not hang around; I stopped and took a photo, then moved on.]

Safety measures

Hot coals

This one’s obvious. And red.

Duck distancing

Here’s a duck family social distancing. Or maybe together-ing.

Anti slipstream

And me social distancing, by heading off to the right to avoid the slip-stream of these folks. In fact, the whole way up the west side of the lake I happily did not encounter another person, and thus I had to do no slipstream countermeasures. I’m thinking that’s a good name for a band [“Slipstream Countermeasures, on stage Friday…in 2021”]…perhaps too long?


Butterfly weed

I know this as butterfly weed. But I didn’t trust my recollection, so I searched the database of digital knowledge. Turns out: yup. And it’s in the milkweed genus…more evidence of my boundless ignorance.

Garden safe

Best part: the butterfly sunglasses.

Slow-day Sunday

Morning light

Good vibes morning sky.

Mystery floral

Don’t recognize this tree (shrub?).

Fence shadow

Just a bit of mystery to this fence-shadow.

Rain cells came through afternoon and evening, so it’s a good thing I got a nice morning sky photo—evening would have been…drizzle.

Newveau, oldveau


And…2020 is almost half over. Still 2020, however.

Ford wagon

Not new.

Old Comet

Not new at all.

Rounded decorative leaves

For grins: today’s botanical photo is of rounded decorative leaves. No blooms, blossoms, or flowers.

Pairing with lighthouse

Be kind

Near as I can tell, the “Be Kind” was purposefully added right next to the security sign. Strange juxtaposition.

Kinda like these times.

Still learning

Red car droplets

Rain overnight. Plants need the precip. I needed the change in weather. Cooler! I heard that last year at this time, ATL had had 20 days at 90°F and above—this year, zero. I walked in high 70°s…and was very happy.

No parking

I worry about “Vehicles towed…” signs that do not also say WHERE!…or at least give a [functioning] phone number. Gorgeous two-story columns do not balance my worries.

Delicate shroom

Delicate mushroom. Had to include a plant kingdom photo. Ooops. No longer plant kingdom—fungi kingdom. ([cranky voice] What! Oh. Fungi kingdom was proposed in 1969. I learned the kingdoms back when fungi were plants. [So there.] 😜 )