
Outdoor pleasures

Looks like almost-sun over the lake at road’s end…squint….

Raven making raucous alerts to all and sundry, especially other ravens, from a high perch.

Juxtaposition of flicker/woodpecker crater and white, fuzzy fungi, all on grey patterned bark.

Seasonal timelines

Most everywhere I looked today outdoors I saw the mark of autumn. Leaves on the picnic table we feasted around on warmer, sunnier, summer days..

Tomatoes with that late season look from anthracnose and I don’t know what else.

And wind bringing down the leaves from the Uncle Dave Maple, and the brown, withering fern leaves by the back door. I haven’t cut them because I’m still trying to figure out where I’m going to put them…I think I’ll transplant a rhubarb crown and put the leaves atop it for winter protection. We plan to return early enough in the spring to remove them before they inhibit growth.

So, it’s not enough to see signs of autumn, I find I’m looking toward winter and spring…already.

Autumn no-leaves

Pretty sure this a stand of young basswoods leaning toward the light. Like the silver-grey bark and that the trunks are mostly parallel. Bummed that a glimpse of blue tarp nudged into the shot…covering crap at an empty new hunting camp…

Yes, it’s milkweed pod-and-seed season. Note that the sunshine lasted perhaps two hours before retreating to leave us basking in overcast again. We enjoyed ye when ye were here, MrSun.

Placid lake

We had rain during the dark hours, then today was just plain damp and overcast. After all, it is autumn. Warmer than normal, including overnight, seems to me. I am NOT complaining. [Photo just as dusk is approaching.]

Beware aggressive mint

One of those beautiful, clear autumn days, so lovely, so precious. My big project was transplanting a large plug of spearmint in such a way that it won’t take over the property, oh, within five years.

Fog variations

Today had a foggy morn, and I walked earlier than usual, so I got to see it change and spread and contract in different places than just from the cottage. Here’s a somewhat over-browsed pasture, with fog obscuring the distant treeline. Also, it was very quiet except for the odd crow.

A side benefit is that the spiderwebs sported glorious droplet-gem jewelry.

Quiet day

A quiet sunrise, with fog and horizon color graduation.

Quiet mid-morning on the lake; just wake-riffles from now-absent boat traffic.

And a quiet afternoon, with a senescent maple sculpture soaking in the sun.

Maple and barberry red-oranges

I played the weather odds and walked in the morning, thinking the afternoon would have precip, as my app showed and as happened the last two days. I assumed this color on the Uncle Dave Maple I saw on my return would be the best of the day.

Wrong I was. So, with the advent of MrSun, I went out to capture a few barberry shots.

And was touched by this Sympetrum spp., a skimmer dragonfly as I understand it, also called a meadowhawk. Insect taxonomy requires extensive study of minutia that’s far beyond my knowledge base.

Building complex mysteries

New cabin

I’ve been keeping an eye on this project. At first, I just saw guys and heard sawing. Then, poof, walls and siding, but no roof. I thought it was a camp cabin, but now I think it’s a garage. There’s already a structure in the woods behind it, but it doesn’t look cabin-y either. Outside the frame to the right is another garage, pretty large. So: all garages, no domiciles? I await developments….

All overcast, all day

There’s no mincing words, today was all overcast and mostly rainy. I thought there was a break in the precip and headed out on foot just before mid-day, enjoying the yellows and oranges in the maple leaves along the road.

By my return, however, the rain closed in, soft and relatively warm, and without lightning, so fine for a return to shelter, and the opportunity for dry clothing.

Can you tell it’s raining? View from back door. Playhouse and I swear the clothes line poles are actually more upright than that.