Work party
Tuesday, 6 September 2022
We assembled at 2:30 to get the boat lift in for the winter. [As in away from the crushing force of ice.] It’s been out at the end of the dock all summer, making fishing and outings easier, while the boat is protected from being tossed by the waves when not in use. We brought in the dock the other day. Today, the lift was an island needing removal. We put the wheels and axles in a canoe, and reattached them to the lift-frame (more complicated than it sounds), then pushed it to shore. There, we assembled (or D did) a cable, and an ATV did most of the pulling (out of the frame to the left). Here you see us lifting the frame so it smoothly pops up from the lake-edge, and, voila, it became simply a matter of parking. Oh, yay. All finished by 2:30. Then, two actively feeding ducks arrived, focused where the lift had been, perhaps finding a surfeit of tasty bits stirred up by our feet during the lift removal.