
Overcast and winds arrived today, the outer bands of the outer bands of storm Nicole that is down in Florida. The last map I saw showed the center of the storm will cross Florida, then head for us. Inland means less power, yet we’ll still have plenty more wind and probably over two inches of rain before the weekend. For now, our blooming basil remains.
Posted at 8:04 PM |
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Somehow, an anole got into our bathroom. I managed to herd (I use that word loosely; anoles not only run, but hop and jump) the anole into this bucket. Then, I took the bucket to the balcony and let it go.
I decided not to think about how it got into the bathroom. Total mystery.
I’m also trying not to think too much about the early returns on today’s vote. Also rather a mystery.
Posted at 7:50 PM |
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This is a ho-hum photo of commercial decorative art, yet somehow it catches the eye. Still: it’s ho-hum also.
On a personal note: trying to stay calm in advance of tomorrow’s voting.
Posted at 7:36 PM |
Comments Off on Being judge-y

Despite the color to these leaves, at night, moonlit, they look rather like snow might have accumulated, when my brain is sleepy.
Posted at 6:46 PM |
Comments Off on Illogical

I found this on social media, proof that the Grace is back on the water. She is the yacht we explored the Galápagos Islands on, and something like three weeks after our trip, she was headed to Guayaquil, a mainland port, to get new engines and other work. Glad to know she’s sea-worthy again.
Posted at 9:28 PM |
Comments Off on Grace returns

I did not pose those leaves. MaNachur’s fine aim that gently deposited leaves on that railing. Gravity is powerful. Aesthetically guided gravity is even more impressive.
Also, I finished “West with Giraffes” (by Lynda Rutledge, 2021) today, a LOL read, and that is not commonly a comment of mine. Recommended.
Posted at 8:40 PM |
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If I go down the front steps, I go by this healthy stand of herbaceousness. By typical North American yard maintenance philosophies and techniques, it should have been pulled and composted long ago. I’d better get going!
Posted at 8:48 PM |
Comments Off on Haunting herbage

I don’t hear about voters on the fence, which seemed like a standard phrase back about a generation. This fence has no voters.
Posted at 8:36 PM |
Comments Off on Grindstone in background

We decided to early vote today. We cruised our polling place aka our library branch, and the line was short, perhaps five people waiting to get their IDs accepted. Thus, we only had a few minutes to watch—and hear—the acorn rain from these oaks along the back edge of the property, as we stood outside.
Posted at 6:43 PM |
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