
Weather dynamics

Rain overnight filled this tree-pond. Then we had a weather-normal(ish) day (hot, humid). Those storms took out power lotsa places, but not here (knock on wood). They also brought down tree parts. The largest branch I saw down was in the street a few houses away, and the city crew was cleaning it up by 8:10am. Whew.

Now, we’re having rain again as a front came through and is still dragging the precip along. My phone beeped with a flooding alert, but it won’t get to our house. Behind this mess, we’re supposed to get cool(ish) temps and lower humidity. I can hardly wait.


When the sky darkens at 6:20 in the evening in the summer, get worried. That’s how I look at it. And the darkening preceded a storm front, as you might expect. The front came through with blasts of wind, and kept going, with the wind fading, then some rain, then ho-hum.

And I exhaled. All is well again.

I feel good

The predicted overnight rain never materialized, but the air shifted and the AQ improved…so I went for a wee walk, returning before seven (!), because hot. humid.

Plenty of neighborhood water systems nevertheless kicked on…in this case weighing down these limp grasses. Are they grasses? They look like it.

AQI discussion

Air Quality was poor today, with high haze. I stayed inside and felt…a bit guilty…but healthy (hah!). A storm’s supposed to come through tonight and into the morning, and disperse the haze.

I have a short-term perspective on this. Exercise tomorrow? Wait and see….

I don’t know botany

With delicate, dissected leaves (that do not look like most leaves), the fennel also has wispy flowers. Perhaps counterintuitively, they don’t make seeds but fruits that to me look like seeds.

Mature cheddar

Cornbread cheddar

Our lovely neighbor brought over hot-from-the-oven jalapeño cornbread yesterday. We had the leftovers with melted cheese today. Yum and yum.

Travel vegetation mystery

Leaves of maple

Found this tree at a rest area in the Northern Lower, and I was mystified then and still am. It’s a maple-y leaf, yet…strange. Very brick-red, which seems not-the-right-color to me.

Camo vehicle

Drive dozens of miles on an Interstate in the USofA, and you will see odd vehicles and trailered items. I think we saw a still once. Today it was a tank. Not a Cadillac!


The first part of the day: packing and closing the cottage. Then we said goodbye and hit the road.

Next stop (after dropping off garbage and returning library books): pay bridge toll. Lots of work vehicles on bridge, both sides. And we saw a freighter almost under us…exciting, no?

Then on the south side, we made a scenic pit stop. I’d expect these are sumac, but I don’t remember any yellow sumacs…for now, a plant mystery.

Soon we dropped down on old lake bed and logged miles and more miles, in Mich then in Ohio. I’m going to post before we stop, which should be into Kentucky. It’s a plan.

Good show

All day the clouds put on a show, even more than the sun. Mostly full cloud cover now.