
Orb and crescent

I went out the door with my eye on the red-pink orb hanging low in the sky, and kept watching it through the vegetation as I steamed across the road and up the hill to the Best Spot To See The Sunset. And saw the orb get swallowed by cloud layers. Yet, still pretty without the orb.

Later in our walk, after a serenade by two pairs of sandhills and a deer count exceeding a dozen, we enjoyed views of the moon’s waxing crescent.

Yo-yo temps

Sunset variation

Warm night last night, only down in the high 60s. Tonight it’s almost that cool now, heading down to the high 50s. I suspect I’ll sleep better tonight.

Feeling for the people of SoCal, Baja, and that area; they probably aren’t sleeping well at all.

A day apart

This evening.

Last night. A bit later, yes. Big, big (natural) color difference.


Things change

The wind blew itself out, as Mom used to say. The lake level is lower than when we left, but the point still isn’t as pointy as it was.

Still haven’t been able to return to my before-10am outdoor work schedule. It’ll come.

An autumn bloom

It was windy all last evening, then the rain came in at something like 2am, still with the wind. I did not sleep well, but I did sleep. Sometime late morning the rain quit, and the sun even came out once or twice. We sure did need the rain, and I guess the wind assured that the rain got everywhere, including under the trees and on the were-wilty lilacs. Now it’s quiet again, but it wasn’t much of a work-day or a fun-day.

By the way, this is deer-trimmed mint…in bloom.

Salmon relatives

We treated ourselves to smoked menominee. Thank you, fishy. Usually we get whitefish. The two species are cousins (and both in the salmon group). I was surprised that (today anyway) I liked the menominee better than the whitefish we had last time.

Windy now and building since late this afternoon. Supposed to continue all night. Rrrr.

More road report

As to today’s military vehicle sightings: we saw flatbeds in sand camo paint, empty…the reverse of yesterday.

And we found a whole dashboard’s worth of rubber duckies and their friends. It did perk up Ohio.

Much farther up the road, we got a good view from the north shore of Lake Michigan. If we could see around the curvature of the earth, we’d have a very distant view of Chicago (more or less).

And we have arrived! Very dry, so dry that the lilac leaves are hanging limp, and the grass is mostly brown.

Tank you

We’ve seen military convoys now and then on the move on Interstate right-of-ways here and there, now and then. Today was the first time either of us could remember tanks on flatbeds that were not also military vehicles. It’s another thing our military is outsourcing, perhaps, skeptical me suggests, because outsourcing money comes from a different pile than straight military that’s easier to recharge (or get the votes to recharge).

In the pink

Cheery zinnia. I didn’t know they’re a new world species; they are.

Minty fresh

I have a new service provider. I’m trying out Mint. Goodbye ATT. So far, I can see that through the day, under what seem to me to be the same conditions hanging around the house, my Minty-fresh phone uses 10% more battery doing…hey, you there? pings to its parental-wellspring.