
Human-environment interaction

Change the light, I thought, by choosing a photo from a day or two ago. Good idea, I thought…

…for today was overcast and it tried to rain several times. When it was more temperate and I was restless, I did do a few outdoor chores, unearthing thistles by the clothesline, adding organic matter to the compost pile, downloading the update for my phone (then for the watch, they often need such attention in pairs; I do this using the neighbors’ satellite feed, so that’s the outdoor part…walking next door)—that kind of thing.

Reasonably virtuous for a slow-Sunday.

Morning joy

Every time we have these morning fogs, I feel compelled to stand in awe of the tree line and the sky color.

This time I also looked down and enjoyed the dew on the lupine leaves.

Late-blooming tales

The too-hot is gone and the rain is gone. This is the early morning sunlight on the cardboard-walled ringfort. In the foreground are miscellaneous escapee plants, and probably weeds. In the center are many basil plants, and I’ll harvest one or two tomorrow for the appetizer I’m taking to a potluck that evening. In the background are some “wild”flowers; blooms so far are white (three types) and pink (one species). Outside to the right are rhubarb leaves.

Here are exploded lupine pods, still furry. I also found some blooming lupines in the field where I had cut the grass—and lupines—earlier.

Sunny rising

Buds rock. I could stare at this far longer than any Dutch Renaissance painting.

Natural progression

Apple rain

A week or so ago, the orchard smelled like apple juice. Now it smells like hard cider, although hours of rain and lower temps blunted the scent today.

Scattered chipmunks

I stepped outside this evening to try to figure out odd vehicle noises out on the road, and by my feet heard stampeding chipmunks…two, running like I broke up a party.

Meanwhile, here’s a tiny cucumber. The species is native to Asia, and now very widely planted and consumed.

Eagle eyes

Eagle above

I went to the lake alone for a pre-prandial, late-afternoon bathe and discovered I had some”one” looking out for me. S/He stayed around until I got out, then drifted away.

Timing is all

Hot sunset

After a hot and sticky day, the temp abated enough for a sunset stroll. And what a sunset. Now all the windows are open to let some cool(er) air in the cottage, as it is finally in the low, low 70s.

Sample branch

Sample branch

Visual proof of season-changing underway…although I admit the color change was underway in August, which is far more of a headline IMHO than autumn reds in September in the Northwoods.

Also, I made mashed rutabaga tonight. First time for everything. Tasty, indeed, tastier than I thought it’d be.

Dew diamonds again

Dew cabbage

A heavy dew last night deposited diamonds on this humble cabbage. The look of the dew and the pellucid droplets…both stunning.