
Events of the day

I got up before the sun (thank you, flicker, busy at 5:45am), and found the ground fog posing elegantly in the field, pierced by lupins.

Mid-morning, this phalanx of Canada geese flew over, right over, so I got to watch their shadows pass by on the grass around me.

Mid-afternoon, I picked rhubarb, then processed it to make what the old cookbooks call rhubarb sauce. Simmer ½ inch (or so) chunks of rhubarb in a bit of water until they break up (ten-ish minutes). Let the mixture cool some, then stir in enough sugar (or honey) to cut the tartness to the desired level. The heat will melt the sugar. Cool all the way and enjoy, plain or over ice cream (for example).

Lakeview dining, with the best company. Isn’t that the most colorful rhubarb sauce you’ve ever seen?