
Infrastructure updating

Pole replacement

I walked this morning in the coolness, nose-level or nose-down as is typical for me. Below this I noticed a one-foot chunk of wooden pole, triggering a look-up.

Yup, replacement underway. The upper lines and a transformer (?) have been switched to the new, taller pole, but the old one, albeit shortened, still seems to be carrying the lower lines.

You can tell it’s relatively early in the day, as the light is bright only on the tree-tops. [Proud of myself; photo was taken at 6:48am.]

Crape myrtle framing

Neighbor windows

Here’s a different visualization of a bit of the neighborhood, both the angle and the exposure/crazy-camera. Looks almost like a jungle….

Drops do accumulate

Redbud leaf after rain

Around here, June was a bust for rainfall…we received close to zero-zilch. The last four days have more than made up for that deficit and launched us most of the way to our July average to boot.

The tough part is that it is darned humid outside (outside meaning: beyond the air-conditioning).

Imagine the explosions

4th over Puget Sound

Our Left Coasters departed today, and left behind this image of the gorgeous 4th fireworks across Puget Sound.

JC = Jimmy Carter

We went on a wee tourist loop after lunch. We walked around under overcast skies at the Carter Center.

Since the place was closed, our focus was outdoors, and the Left Coast family learned viscerally what high-heat-and-humidity is like to breath and stroll in. We found this Peace Bell Tower, that I had never seen before as it was dedicated not long ago in 2022. The bell was cast back in 1820, and the government set it aside to be melted down during WWII, but somehow it remained intact. And now it’s in ATL.

Sky speculation

This picture and last night’s picture were taken one day and five-and-a-half minutes apart. We had rain in the late afternoon, which, I’m guessing, sapped some of the dramatic color.

Aren’t we lucky?!

Sunset pink

And from the sky descended an airplane carrying precious cargo…loved ones visiting from the Left Coast.

Delving into contrast

Patterns in plants

Look at all the visual contrasts! Color, shapes, living vs inanimate—the whole shebang!

Fireworks began precisely at 9:15pm, and they’re now booming in various locations in the southern direction…with nothing sounding in the northern quadrants. This is audio contrasts?

Working the odds

I have irregular success with flash and fleurs. Today, the gods favored me. [Framing, not so much.]

Botanical specifics

This lovely fleur is of the genus Agapanthus, and it hails from southern Africa, if my web sources are correct (and there is no dissent, so I can assume it’s the truth*).

* In these times, truth may be a poor word to choose (in any usage whatsoever), as so many American citizens seem willing to…uhem, I’ll just stop here. Apologies for the near-rant.