
Shoreline stories

I went down to walk the beach this morning when I thought it would be sunny. I was wrong, but got to see a soaring bald eagle. This was just after reading how hard hit their population is across the upper Midwest by avian flu. [Unspoken question: will our denizen(s) return next year?]

I walked all the way around the point to the end of our property. This is our almost-bay from the opposite direction from the post two days back.

The water and ice levels have been way too high (there’s a dam just below the mouth of the lake) for decades, undermining trees and washing away the shoreline. The level is now lower than I remember it in decades, the result of a reassessment that should have been done…oh, decades ago. The trade-off to the damage we have along our shore is that the speedboats with huge motors don’t hit the bottom on this essentially shallow lake.

Trees are ever-so-persistent, however, and become sculptures while staying alive.